Een beetje gedateerd al, maar een leuk klein stukje uit de Bloemenkrant nr 48 uit 2014 over mij en m’n bedrijf.
A little outdated, but this is a small article about me and my company from a Dutch trade-journal focused on the flower industry.
Translated in English:
Extraordinairy calla’s are my passion
My maincrop is the cut-hydrangea but since 3 years I also cultivate calla. This cultivation truly belongs to me. I like to distinguish myself and bring my cultivation to a higher level. With as goal to have a exclusive assortment.
That says Rob de Boer, in his cultivation he strongly focus on a new assortment. Captain Sidney is such a new variety, origininating from Kaptain Breeding Breezand, main supplyer of Rob de Boer
“Yearly we try 3 new promising varieties” says Rob de Boer. “If there is an good variety I try to get exclusivity for that variety. Now my assortment is mainly prooven varieties, but at the end my assortment is getting distinguish from the mass”
Certainly not every shot is in the rose, the market respons variable. Out of three try’s only 1 is a succes. Breeding of Calla is of a lot of patience. Between seedling and a commercial delivery is a long period. Once introduce, there is only a small amoount of bulbs available. Luckely the trade in calla is not that big either. With only a small amount of flowers you can reach a lot of buyers.